Our mission is to provide clients with the highest quality service in a safe environment that fosters their ability to attain therapeutic, as well as, life goals. We strive to help clients learn to heal in a healthy, effective manner; to realistically engage in the hope that change is possible, and to promote the idea that true happiness can be achieved. We achieve our mission by emphasizing strengths and potential, exploring those coping skills that are currently being utilized, enhancing one’s ability to implement lifelong tools, while challenging clients in a supportive and collaborative manner to maximize their ability to reach their full potential. We are passionate about the work that we do and approach our work in a warm, professional manner utilizing evidenced based approaches to support resolution of symptoms, self-understanding, and personal growth.
Nicala Edwards
I’m Nicala Edwards, a Licensed Professional Counselor with five years of experience working with individuals, couples, families, and groups of all ages.